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Audible Audiobook Club is probably one of the most popular and oldest audiobook clubs out there. Thier selection is second to none and it spans across all genres. No matter what you're into, Audible Audiobook Club is sure to have it! Please use our search feature to browse the great and expanding Audible Audiobook Club selection.

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Search results for Herman Melville in AUTHOR

Israel Potter


Herman Melville


Based on the life of an actual soldier who claimed to have fought at Bunker Hill, Israel Potter is unique among Herman Melville's books: a novel in the guise of a biography.....
Members Edition: $19.95

Publishers Edition: $28.50

You pay: $7.49

Moby Dick


Herman Melville


Ishmael, a sailor, recounts the ill-fated voyage of a whaling ship led by the fanatical Captain Ahab, who is in search of the white whale that crippled him....
Members Edition: $13.26

Publishers Edition: $18.95

You pay: $7.49

Laurence Olivier Presents A Selection Short Stories


Alexandre Dumas,Herman Melville


Sir Laurence Olivier presents a selection of classic short stories including Zodomirsky's Duel, The Purse, Little Louise, and Bartleby....
Members Edition: $12.08

Publishers Edition: $17.26

You pay: $7.49

Herman Melville: Selected Stories


Herman Melville


Known primarily for his epic Moby Dick, Melville also wrote a number of equally incisive short stories....
Members Edition: $31.47

Publishers Edition: $44.95

You pay: $7.49

Melville: Six Short Novels


Herman Melville


These 6 short novels show Melville's cleverness and wit as well as his understanding of both the comic...
Members Edition: $16.95

Publishers Edition: $24.00

You pay: $7.49

Bartleby the Scrivener and Other Stories


Herman Melville


Herman Melville is now seen as one of the great figures in American literature, a man who expanded the role of the novel and gave new and complex depths to the meaning of a story....
Members Edition: $13.85

Publishers Edition: $19.78

You pay: $7.49

Moby Dick


Herman Melville


A splash of the sea and the salt in the ocean air signals the beginning of the greatest whaling adventure of all time. This is literature's great voyage...
Members Edition: $11.87

Publishers Edition: $16.95

You pay: $7.49

Benito Cereno


Herman Melville


Durante una travesia maritima, un grupo de esclavos negros se rebelan para obligar....
Members Edition: $11.90

Publishers Edition: $17.00

You pay: $7.49

Benito Cereno


Herman Melville


This is the epic sea adventure, a harrowing tale of slavery and revolt aboard a Spanish ship, is often regarded as Melville's finest short story....
Members Edition: $11.17

Publishers Edition: $15.95

You pay: $7.49

Billy Budd


Herman Melville


Billy Budd, an orphaned, illegitimate child suffused with innocence, openness, and natural charisma, has been impressed into service aboard the HMS Bellipotent....
Members Edition: $11.17

Publishers Edition: $15.95

You pay: $7.49

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